Modified COMBO Medium

NaNO3 solution (85.01 g/L) 10 ml
CaCl2 2H2O solution (36.76 g/L) 10 ml
MgSO4 7H2O solution (36.97 g/L) 10 ml
NaHCO3 solution (12.6 g/L) 10 ml
Na2SiO3 9 H2O solution (28.42 g/L) 10 ml
K2HPO4 solution (8.71 g/L) 1 ml
H3BO3 solution (24 g/L) 10 ml
KCl solution (7.45 g/L) 10 ml
Algal trace elements 1 ml
Vitamin B12 solution 1 ml
Biotin vitamin solution 1 ml
Thiamine vitamin solution 1 ml
CR1 soil1 cc
Deionized water to1 L

Do not autoclave. Filter sterilize. pH 7.8.

Algal trace element solution:

Na2EDTA 2H2O 4.36 g
FeCl3 6H2O 1 g
CuSO4 5 H2O solution (0.01 g/ml) 1 ml
ZnSO4 7 H2O solution (0.22 g/ml) 1 ml
CoCl2 6H2O solution (0.12 g/ml) 1 ml
MnCl2 4H2O solution (1.8 g/ml) 1 ml
Na2MoO4 2H2O solution (0.22 g/ml) 1 ml
H2SeO3 solution (0.016 g/ml) 1 ml
Na3VO4 solution (0.018 g/ml) 1 ml
Deionized water to 1 L

Vitamin B12 solution:

HEPES buffer 2.4 g
Vitamin B12 0.027 g
Deionized water to 200 ml

Prepare 200 ml of HEPES buffer at pH 7.8 and fully dissolve vitamin. Filter-sterilize and store in dark at -20 C.

Biotin vitamin solution:

HEPES buffer 2.4 g
Biotin 0.005 g
Deionized water to 200 ml

Prepare 200 ml of HEPES buffer at pH 7.8 and fully dissolve vitamin. Filter-sterilize and store in dark at -20 C.

Thiamine vitamin solution:

HEPES buffer 1.2 g
Thiamine 0.11 g
Deionized water to 100 ml

Prepare 100 ml of HEPES buffer at pH 7.8 and fully dissolve vitamin. Filter-sterilize and store in dark at -20 C.

CR1 soil:
The CR1 soil is treated in batches by placing in a heat-resistant pan lined with aluminum foil. Fill the soil to a so depth of one-quarter inch and bake at 150 C for 2 h. Cool and cover the pan with aluminum foil and store in darkness at room temperature. Avoid excessive moisture during storage.

CR1 soil is not a well-defined medium, yet not all soil is suitable for culturing a broad range of algae. Soil used for CR1 originally came from the floodplain of the upper Rio de Flag, Flagstaff, Coconino Co., AZ. It is relatively low in organic content, pH circumneutral and is finely particulate in nature, consisting primarily of volcanic ash and weathered cinders and apparently contains a sufficient array of required trace elements and macronutrients.

Modified from Guillard and Lorenzen (1972) WC medium for growth of cyanobacteria, cryptophytes, green algae, and diatoms at UTEX.

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