PDF of CyanoNews Volume 13 Number 1


Volume 13 Number 1 July 1997

============================================================================== CONTENTS*CONTENTS*CONTENTS*CONTENTS*CONTENTS*CONTENTS*CONTENTS*CONTENTS*CONTEN ==============================================================================


* More cyanobacterial Web sites

* Matters Arising:

1997 Directory of Cyanobacteriologists

Culture collections

Photosynthesis reference collection

New publications

* Meetings

* Positions offered


*The comings and goings of ourselves


* Anabaena knows where mosquitos live

* Insecticidal peptides found in Scytonema

* Livestock poisoned from surprising source

* The origins of genera

* Tumor killer expressed in cyanobacteria

* Function of heterocyst differentiation switch sought

* Spirulina movement energized by sodium gradient

* Cyanobacterial Phytochrome unmasked

* Meeting Report: 2nd International Congress on Symbiosis




CYANONEWS - a newsletter intended to provide cyanobacteriologists with a forum for rapid informal communication, unavailable through journals. Everything you read in this newsletter is contributed by readers like yourself. Published occasionally, about three times per year.

SUBSCRIPTIONS - $10/year for hard copy version. No charge for electronic version. See last page for details.

CONTRIBUTIONS - Expected every couple of years: a new result, an upcoming meeting or a summary of a past meeting, a post-doctoral opening, a new publication, a request for strains, a change of life... something. See last page for addresses you can send news to.

HOW TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT SOMETHING YOU READ HERE - Each news item contains, prominently displayed, the name of a contact person. A Directory of Cyanobacteriologists is distributed every two years or on request.


COPYRIGHT - This newsletter is not copyrighted and no rights are reserved. You are encouraged to reproduce or to transmit any part of this publication by whatever means at your disposal, no permission required.

Cyanonews has been placed on-line to assist in the proliferation of this important document.

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